Saturday, November 20, 2010

So Much To Be Thankful For...

Well, tomorrow begins my annual Thanksgiving Cooking Week and I am really excited. It has been a busy November, with our pig Kevin (actually his name is Kevin Bacon) growing like...well, like a pig! I decided this week that we had to stop treating him like a pet. Whenever we went into his pen to feed him, we would let him out for a bit...sometimes to go for a walk with kidding, he'd trot behind me about 1/4 mile before he tuckered out. The other day I went to change his water and he wanted out. I didn't want him out. When I locked the gate behind me, he squealed and squealed like I was beating him. Spoiled baby he is. Sophie and Kevin are great friends. Sophie thinks Kevin is a dog.
This week will be intense. One hundred hours is not unusual as we leave the house before the sun rises and get home well after dark. But it is like a festival, a family reunion and a church revival all rolled into one! This year, I've published a cookbook to give as a gift for all the folks attending.  It contains many of the recipes I've made over the seven years of cooking at the Ranch. Its title is "Celebrating Cypress Springs" and I am quite intrigued with the process of creating a cookbook. I see more in my future...I have plans for 2011 already!  Here's to cooking and writing and being thankful for a good life!  Happy Thanksgiving!


Laurel said...

I didn't know you published a cookbook Diane!!! I want one! I love your blog and can't wait to try out some of your recipes.... I'll be home over the holdays (Emi too) and would love to meet up with you guys.

Ciel said...

How do I buy one of your cookbooks? You are such an inspirational cook to me! Can't wait to make more of your recipes!
xoxo, ciel